Inclement Weather Return Policies
What is inclement weather?
Inclement weather means any precipitation in the air (cloudy skies aren’t considered inclement weather). This includes rain, snow, sleet, or heavy mist.
If there is inclement weather, we cannot shoot exterior photos: exterior shots will not turn out well. Moisture in the air reduces the clarity of the images, making them distorted & blurry. It’s also not safe for our photographers’ equipment to be outside in heavy mist or even a light rain.
The good news is that interior shots will often look even better — the decreased sunlight means less glare inside, resulting in bright, vivid colors for interior photos.
What is the cost?
The Inclement Weather Return fee is $39; this covers the gas and time for the photographer to come out at another potential appointment time, to shoot the exterior images. We charge this minimal amount out of courtesy to both our clients and photographers.
When do we charge an Inclement Weather Return fee?
Full Shoots:
During inclement weather, we will normally shoot the interior images only for the full price of the shoot, and schedule an Inclement Weather Return shoot ($39) on another day for the photographer to shoot the exterior.
For Lux / Fusion photoshoots only: If the client decides to cancel the whole shoot during inclement weather with less than 2 hours notice, the client will need to pay the full $75 Late Cancellation Fee.
If conditions are dangerous for the photographers to drive, the company may call clients to cancel the shoots in the interest of everyone’s safety. Obviously, there is no charge to anyone under these conditions.
Twilight photoshoots:
The discounted Inclement Weather Return fee ($39) does not apply to Twilight appointments, unless there is an emergency reason for canceling.