Which rooms do we shoot and why?

Which rooms do we shoot and why?

Inviting Curiosity with the Right Photos

It’s our job to spark the interest of curious home searchers, so we focus our shots on the rooms that generally matter most to buyers. If there are some features or rooms you want to emphasize in your listing, please let us know when you schedule your appointment.

Buying a home is a huge life change, but it begins with the spontaneous decision to see it in person. Our photoshoots create inviting images well beyond the “curb appeal” shot!


Our Priority: Photos that Flow & Invite

For mid-size to smaller homes (about 4,000 square feet or less) we focus on the major parts of the house, from a couple of different angles. We take generally 3-4 shots of the front and back yards, the foyer, the kitchen, and the living room. Our priority is creating a photoset that flows naturally through the house, inviting buyers to see it in person.

Please note that we typically do not take photos of the garage or closets in the home.

We’ll always take 3-4 shots of the master bedroom and bathroom. After these priority photos are done, we’ll use the remaining images in your package to take photos of additional rooms, compelling details, and special features (See local pricing for different image packages here).

If there’s a particular feature or room of the house you want to emphasize, be sure to let our Front Office team know ahead of the appointment.


Photographing larger homes

Our clients who list larger properties tell us that pictures of the extra bedrooms aren’t really the selling points. Instead of trying to cover every extra bedroom of a larger home, we’ll emphasize the unique and special features like wine cellars, theaters, studies, and landscaping.

If there’s a certain room you want us to shoot in a larger home, let our Front Office team know before your photographer arrives — especially if you’ve opted for a package with fewer images (See local pricing for our different image packages here).

Shots that simply sell

Our photographers apply their years of experience in Real Estate photography to get the shots that matter most. The Shoot2Sell team’s trained eyes, careful scheduling, and individual image processing make sure every photo invites the best buyers.