Virtual Tours vs. 3D Content

More people are relying on virtual means to show and view homes than ever before. Do you know which virtual marketing strategy works best for you?
With so many different options out there, we wanted to break each of them down for you to provide some insight into the uses of each. This will help you pick which works best for your brand and for your clients.
Virtual Tours:
Virtual Tours are a great way to get you as close to the real thing as possible which is why many homebuyers view them as the new standard. They have been proven to generate more clicks, inquiries and faster home selling. However, there is a wide variety of features that could be included in a virtual tour.
A Virtual Tour does not require a 3D layout. We provide options like HD Highlight Videos and Walkthroughs that utilize video clips from angles that would be seen during an in-person tour. These 30 second to two-minute videos and walkthroughs allow you to pick the absolute best features of your listing and highlight them in whichever custom way you choose that will not only fit your budget and your needs, but your client’s as well. These types of virtual tours are great ways to pique a potential buyer’s interest and encourage them to make that second impression happen.
3D Virtual Tours:
A new way people are choosing to showcase their listings are 3D Virtual Tours. These types of tours allow your clients to see you listing from every angle, even the ones you wouldn’t be able to see during an in-person tour. At Shoot2Sell, we are Certified Matterport providers so we do offer Matterport 3D tours that include an interactive floor plan.

These 3D tours are high quality and fully interactive, allowing you to show more of the details in your listing than a walkthrough video would. The “dollhouse” view and interactive floorplan also allow a potential client to view the entire space of your listing and allow them a better understanding of the home’s full layout. Another 3D option you can choose is our Panoramic Spotlights. They allow you to craft a fully immersive experience by combining 3D tours with aerial shots, high-quality photos and added audio.
There are so many different options for you to choose from when it comes to virtual tours but it is all about finding what works best for you and your clients.
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